Loop Hero Wiki

Tile Synergies

Most tiles in Loop Hero can be combined into new tiles with improved effects, if placed appropriately. This list aims to include all the currently discovered synergies in the game.


Meadow next to a tile of another type creates a Blooming Meadow.
• A 3x3 grid of Rocks and/or Mountains in a 3x3 grid creates a Mountain Peak.
• Overlapping the spawn areas of two Battle Fields creates a Blood Path for each overlapping tile.
Vampire Mansion next to a Village creates a Ransacked Village.
• For every two placed Villages, a Bandit Camp will appear next to a Village.
Forest or Thicket struck by lightning from a Storm Temple creates Burned Forest.
Blood Grove without an adjacent Grove or Forest tile creates a Hungry Grove.
Treasury surrounded by 8 tiles creates Empty Treasury.
• For every 10 Rocks and/or Mountains, a Goblin Camp will appear.
Swamp next to a Goblin Camp creates Goblin Lookout.
Sand Dune/Desert next to a River creates an Oasis.
Battle Field next to a River creates a Shipwreck.
• For every 10 Forests and/or Thickets, a Village? will appear.
Suburbs surrounded by 4 other Suburbs creates a Town.
River next to a road creates a Reed.
Wheat Fields become Overgrown Fields when not next to a Village.


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