Loop Hero Wiki

Zero milestone

Zero milestone

A monument to the first step made by the first explorer.


Evenly changes monster’s strength depending on their position on the road. Weakens the ones close to the meridian and strengthens the ones that are far away. Doesn’t affect bosses.


Rock-solid proof that humanity's desire to conquer this world was born from their curiosity and obsession with standards. The monument itself has been repaired and redone multiple times, so it noticeably differs from the original design. On the oldest maps you won't find the zero meridian. Instead, you will see a picture of a free-standing ite stone. Nowadays, it looks like a metal plate with cardinal directions imbedded into a stone square. Not much is known about the person who installed this geographic point of reference. It seems that he didn't grow up to become a famous cartographer. But it's clear that he was a remarkably charismatic person. Because even vampires, who tend to look down on human inventions, also accept the zero meridian as a standard in their geography teachings.

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Build an "Alchemist's Tent" in your camp.



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